Canberra Chapter
The Canberra Chapter of the VSCCA exists to provide a local and regional gathering point with a social focus for VSCCA members, while also providing related motoring activities and knowledge about our classic and historic cars.
Canberra coordinators
Paul Doherty - 0408 212 590
Ian Barges - 0438 444 823 ( Historical registrar )
Canberra Calendar of Events
2 November - French Car Display @ Telopea Park (School Fete)
24 November - Breakfast @ Cup & Coaster – 9.00 am
1 December - Terribly British Day @ Queanbeyan Park , 10 - 2 pm
15 December - VSC December lunch @ Surveyors Hill – 11.30 am
26 January - First breakfast for 2025 – venue TBA
16 February - Wheels 2025 – Queanbeyan Showground