100 Year Vauxhall Rally
11 – 15 September 2023
It is 100 years since three of our Club Vauxhalls rolled off the production line at Luton in the UK, and all three cars still regularly attend Club events.
Richard and Emi Walton’s 30-98 OE53
Rob and Deb Merryfull’s 14-40 M673
Dave and Mary Stuart’s 23-60 OD494.
Join us for a five-day rolling rally
The rally is set to commence at Raworth in the Hunter Valley on Monday, 11 September and conclude in Tuncurry on Friday, 15 September. The entrants will overnight in Armidale, Casino, and South West Rocks, with the final night In Tuncurry.
All the roads selected are sealed and the scenery in springtime should prove to be a pleasant backdrop for each days driving on roads our Club has not previously travelled.
The event is approved by the Club’s Committee and will be listed in coming events. So far, we have entries from N.S.W. and Queensland.
Sponsorship is being sought from the National Trust of Australia. We will visit the historic homes Saumarez and Booloolimbah in Armidale, as well as the National Trust-owned School of Arts and Museum in Tenterfield. Also, in Tenterfield, we plan to visit George Woolnough’s Saddle shop as well as the house he lived in whilst he was the saddler in Tenterfield.
Club members are welcome to attend the event. Your car doesn’t have to be a Vauxhall as long as it’s a vintage car as this is a requirement of the National Trust sponsorship.
So if this week away in your vintage car sounds like it suits you, then please contact me to find out more or enter the event.
Dave Stuart
0428 282 360
Richard and Emi Walton’s 30-98
Rob and Deb Merryfull’s 14-40
Dave and Mary Stuart’s 23-60